Bitcoin and Crypto Currency
Free Training
Live Webinar - Saturday, November 25th
9:00 am Pacific - 12:00 noon Eastern

Discover what it is, where it's going, how it works, the tools you need,
plus what to do now.

Rex Richard will share shortcuts that work and insights you will love.

Yes, it's free.

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Bitcoin has increased in value 4000% over the past 3 years
Many believe that's only the beginning.
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You Need A Map
To Find Your Way Through Bitcoin
Hype and Misinformation
This first Bitcoin session will introduce the concepts , tools, and simple strategies to get you started in understanding and, if you choose, investing in Bitcoin and other "crytpo" currencies.
What Is "Blockchain"
Bitcoin is built upon "blockchain". We will break the concept down to a picture that is easy to understand.
How To Start
If you don't own any Bitcoin, be prepared to buy some at this session.  I will show you how.
When To Buy
Understanding the "when" is to understand the "what and why". You will learn what is happening and why now is great!
Charting a path
We will look at a simple method that charts the next  market move.
Other Currencies
Bitcoin is not alone. I will show you a few of my favorite alternative "currencies" and why.
Market Indicators
No one has a crystal ball, but there are market indicators that give us hints on what's to come.
Coins or Cash
Should you trade for "coins" or cash? We will examine both. Then you can decide what matches your style.
Bots, Whales, and Bear Traps
We will look at the variables in play and what to do about them.
Big Fat Hairy Disclaimer
This session is for educational and entertainment value only.  I, Rex Richard, am not a financial advisor or planner, nor do I want to be.  I do not recommend anything.  Any decision you make must be your own and carries the responsibility of you providing your own research.  I always say, learn from everyone, but follow no one.  Certainly do not follow me.  I can and have been wrong... imagine that. 
I will likely be wrong again, in fact, I'm sure of it.  

Bitcoin, "crypto currencies", Blockchain, Tangle, and other like terms are associated with new and emerging technology with vast potential to impact our lives and planet. Investment in these emerging technologies are high risk.  They could prosper, or they come plunge rapidly to zero.  No one knows.

I hold interests in Bitcoin and some of the other technologies we will discuss but have no affiliate relationship with any of them, nor do I receive any compensation from them other than the earnings of my investments.  All views and opinions are solely mine. 

Make choices wisely. 

I will offer an opportunity to join me in an ongoing, twice monthly, live series.  Joining me is purely optional and there is no obligation to attend this session at all. This will be focused training. 
We have a lot to cover.  
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